Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The life at typical Indian Railway Platforms...

The way to the village has been marked with many interesting images.... the first one is of the sky with a dry tree in the foreground.. I loved it as it looks like as reverse thunder in the sky...

My train journey to my village of 3000KM has taken more than 50 hours instead of expected 38 hours. Typically in India trains do get delayed and specially in the areas where there is no double tracks... so the trains wait on the platforms to let the oncoming train pass like this stoppage that our train took...

While waiting for the train to pass, I started taking in the life around me on the platform...we have an amazing collage of life on the typical India Railway platform. there were people leisurely doing their own job, in this case a baba making the coveted Sphatik Mala (Garland)

Then there is this old man waiting with his whole family for the Passenger train to come. You can actually see the expectations and wonder in his eyes...

Then most of times you will also see this typical scene of people getting off the train and taking off their bicycles that they have chained to the window grill of the train and travel another 10-15 KMs to reach their house in the interior villages, where there is no other mode of transportations...

And Sun sets on my 50 hour long journey.... and I looked forward to meet my friends, relatives and above all be in the presence of Pind Roop Durga Ji.

Well this also happens on the platforms...

But to just leave you all with a better Image than this, let me show you the beauty that is all around the journey.. this typical Indian field colored with mustard flowers among wheat fields... Lovely...

Om Namah Shivaya



Blogger Vami said...

thank you for sharing this blog. i like blogs like these.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Virtual said...

Thanks for liking this type of posting.. and I think I am now on the verge of another writing phase in my life.. first I will be finishing my almost one and half years pending job of writing about the making of the Shiva Temple.. which I will start now... Thanks for being here and keep reading...

Om namah Shivaya

12:21 PM  

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