Signifcance of insignificance of Life....
This post is one of my comments to one of the blogger friend posting that I have had read about instantenesous Insignificance that I had read, which I thought of posting here too as it has got me down on the road to thinking about Life and Significance of Life
Life, when I think about it, make me feel like Ganga... a river who's ultimate goal is to reach out to sea and loose its own identity... but then that is only a goal, but its not life.

Life is being Ganges, moving from the skipping, hopping, jumping in the early stages from Himalaya (Gangotri)taking along with some friends like stones that you shape... then moving in to the plains with force, flood, richness of life giver to the plains... then going on to the delta .. where she slows down to think contemplate and then finally merge... this is life.. and in the same process, you have been able to touch some one, make some one happy, make some one reach his/her goal and finally without thinking of your ego / self etc merge with supereme consciousness with peace of mind is what I believe is life...
I have agreed with Stephen Hawkins and many more who are out to tell us that we are nothing more than a random combination of four Nuclei as Nandi mentioned, our insignificance etc.. but when one does not believe in EGO, then there is no question of being significant or insignificant...

Some times reading Gita makes you feel like Lord Krishna supereme consciousness.... but only if you are egoless...
Om Namah Shivaya