Monday, March 27, 2006

Kada nilimp nirjhari nikunj kotare vasan....

All the time I have been chanting this Tandav Strotra for lord Shiva and whenever I came across the lines

Kada nilimp nirjhari, nikunj kotare vasan
Vimukti durmati sada, sirasthamanjali vahan...

(When I will live on the banks of Holy River Ganges in a small hut, without any negetive thoughts and chant Shiva's name with my folded hands on the head....)

I used to really wish to do that... which by the Shiva's grace happened past week...

I am back from few days of living with a baba at the banks of river ganges in Devprayaag 80 Kms away from Rishikesh in Himalayas. This time, on the insistence of Ganesh Maharaj, I stayed with him in his Cave which is on the confluence of river Ganges. I have lot to actually write about but it will take some time to put all that in place... but mean while I will leave you all with some images that I have of the place...

I am going to post some of my thoughts on the experience there in coming few days pls try looking this page more frequently now... at least for a week as I have lot to share...

Om Namah Shivaya



The cave where I stayed ....

The cave in which I stayed this time by the insitence of Ganesh Maharaj who is the care taker of the Ghat at the confluence. It was amazingly simple and uplifting stay at that place.. slept on the floor on some rugs... while the sound of the rivers flow nearby kept the innerself focussed on the spiritual process. I enjoyed my stay there.. a lot. You see Ganesh maharaj (You can actually find his picture elsewhere in my blog) in the T-Shirt who used to go up to bring me some Hindi Newpapers to read in the day so that I am not cut off the world here..

Bathing in the night before the evening meditation... at the confluence

The river flows behind like a pure energy stream while submerging oneself in the holy river ganges was in itself was like how the gold is purified by fire... Every night it was an exhilerating experience to purify oneself with holy river's waters..

Sunrise at the Confluence....

After brahma muhurat... with lot of waiting the sun peaks at the top of the mountain in the east. It was amazingly beautiful moment to see the sun rise at the Devprayaag and it finally became a habit to find Surya Bhagawan rising to a new day at the place

Morning Ritual ...

Surya Namaskar at the dawn

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

You left foot prints in me....

The stars are coming closer

Over the sea

And I find you walking down the waves

Waving to me

How the stars have fenced the sea

Come sit next to me

I remove the space between

“Come walk with me

These moments”

So that they leave foot prints in me

No man has said this before

No one has

Fluttered your heart

No one has loved so much

Yes no had asked me before

How I love

What do I do

Sleep is playing tricks with me

I am dead now

Now I am dreaming

That you love

Now you are leaving

Throw a little dirt

Cover it with your laughs

I am lying awake

In my piece of space

Six feet deep in earth

Death is acceptable

But what do I do

Its not coming

Before that

Your pain happened

Om Namah Shivaya


Monday, March 13, 2006

Wake up my Love....

Wake Up My Love

The whole pain
Precipitated from the night sky
In the morning rain
Chiding me for love exposed
Now in the drenched soil
Uncared and very small

How I love
A question that needs answer
Only to those who don't
And it etches like
A newly acquired scab
I just don’t know

What I know
Is this feeling in me
Growing by each space
You put in between
Brings me down on my knees
Feeling the greatness that was
To smallness that is

Meanwhile the Rain
Lashes on my car windows
Love lashes within
Whipping up a storm
And I call you up
To say how lovely is the weather
Wake Up

Om Namah Shivaya Virtual

There was a comment on this poetry on the group where I usually post my poetries.. which I am reproducing here





Poetry Message Board


3-11-2006 3:08 PM


RE:Wake Up My Love...Challenge & comment


this is really wonderful. such deep emotion of love in this. If I is about love of the purest kind.