Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Met Guru Ji.....

Today I met Guru Ji ( Shri Siva and I am still not able to realise what has happenned. Got Prasaad (Few flowers ) and came back to my house ...and now sitting in my puja (Prayer) room and trying to reflect what has happenned? There is lot to know understand and feel ... but where to begin?

Om Namah Shivayah


Monday, October 25, 2004

Looking at the passing moment....

There are times when I realise that I can not hold a moment in my hand like some people do...caress it and enjoy it before it slips out of my hands,out of my sight and out of my life.... I have seen those people, who usually are passionate people, holding on to the moment like to never let go. THe moment stretches beyond it limits to accomodate those people and some times it looks like that it stands still for them. Is that what people say is travelling at the speed of light. You are so fast in your thoughts, of holding on to the moment and to the passion that you are deep in to, that you match the speed of light and your moment of exhilration stands still... is that what happens with people who are enlightened?
I wonder when will I attain that passion for loving God?

Om Namah Shivayah


Sunday, October 24, 2004

The Mantra Yoga....

I have started this mantra yoga few months back with guidance of Guru Ji Baba Shri Siva (Baba Sri Siva is a spiritual name given to Dr. Baskaran Pillai. (In past years, Dr. Pillai has also been called Sri Siva, Brzee, Sri Guruji and Guruji). Baba Sri Siva is associated with an illustrious and esoteric lineage of enlightened Indian saints, the Tamil Siddhas, who have been passing on enlightened teachings for thousands of years, usually in very small circles of selected students. He has a mission to bring these secret teachings out to the world) and his Disciple Sh. Stuart Mooney, who was here in Chennai for some time. I learned and benefitted a lot with the teaching and techniques of manifestation. I could manifest (Really things that I did desire at those times) and above all I feel at peace with my self.

Tomorrow Baba Shri Shiva is in Chennai and I look forward to being in his presence. It has been a great pleasure and most satisfying to do mantra yoga and learn from his presnece.

For last two months I am trying to manifest something very physical and hoping to find it happenning within short period of his presence. One of my most satisfying experience will be unfolding soon....

Om Namah Shivayah

This painting depicts a famous anecdote of Zen Buddhism. When Bodhidharma, the first patriarch of Zen Buddhism, was meditating facing a rock wall in Shaolin-si Temple, the monk Huike came and asked to be accepted as his disciple. When Bodhidharma rejected the young priest, however, Huike chopped off his left arm to prove his firm determination to the master. He was then accepted as a disciple.

The realistic facial expressions, the sharp eyes and the static composition give an atmosphere of tension to the scene. These depictions may suggest the advanced state of spiritual awareness that had been achieved by seventy-seven year old priest-artist Sesshu.

According to the inscription on the back, this scroll was donated to Sainen-ji Temple by Saji Tamasada, the feudal lord of Miyayama castle in Chita County in the province of Owari (present-day Aichi Prefecture). It was given to the temple in 1532, shortly after Sesshu's death. Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Hanging Scroll, Late-Heian Period (11th Century),

This scroll depicts the scene of the resurrection of the historical Buddha Sakyamuni as described in the Mahamaya Sutra. Hearing of his death, Sakyamuni's mother, Maya, rushed to him from the Trayastrimsa heaven. While Maya was crying and clutching his bowl and cane to her breast, Sakyamuni, by his divine power, opened the coffin, rose up and told her of the transiency of life. Then he lay down again in the coffin and closed the cover over himself.

In this scene, thousands of rays radiate from Sakyamuni's body, each of which contains thousands of Buddhas. The resurrected Sakyamuni and his mother look at each another as the many onlookers gaze in wonder at the divine miracle of resurrection. Rich colors, kirikane gold, and lively ink brushwork are used skillfully to create a dramatic scene.  Posted by Hello

I have got Nava Grah Yantra (Nine Planet Tantra) to meditate on from my priest from Varanasi...

Well what can I say... my priest suddenly appeared from Varanasi yesterday and told me that earlier Tantra that he gave me is now out lived its use and now I need to use this Tantra for better financial effects, which I am going to do and document that how much its affecting me.... Now lets say I have on scale of 1 to 10, 2 points for financial status. He told me that within a month call him and tell him a good news .. so for me a good news would be 6 points as of now .... so lets see if I call him and tell him that...

Secondly, I am sure that it will happen as I know that nothing happens suddenly. His coming and giving me this tantra is also a part of the plan.. a part of the manifestation technique that I am using as of now... The meditation, the dhyaan and the sojourn that I have had in Himalayas is definately going to take effect. All things in life are created thrice, one in subconscious level, second at sound level and third at level of action... and slowly I am reaching those levels... one by one...

So today I have taken this Tantra placed on a conducting surface and I am going to concentrate on it for the days to come...

Om Namah Shivayah

What this Dark Zen is.... ?

For some time now I am thinking of Zen and the basis of it all .... Why its different ? Why people get along with it so nicely or why its more popular than the Hindu Religious belief although it basically started from the same. Gautam Buddha got awakened in Bodhistava here in India.

There are certain reasons for it ..first of its very simple to understand .. recites with story telling simplicity unlike hindu where most of the things is in sanskrit and was closely held to chest by brahmins who did not want to let go of their powers.
Secondly, zen is worldly wise.... it takes the believers through the physical route rather than the mental route.
etc etc

I am also getting interested in DARK ZEN as a research object ... why its gaining ground on Zen? What is so good or so myterious about it...?

Well as per the person who are going about the dark Zen the concept basically is...

Dark Zen Meditation (hereafter, DZM) is a method designed to enter into communion with the superessential light of the Buddha. For those of you who are of pure intent converging with this light is tantamount to directly sensing the Buddha’s true teaching which spontaneously emanates from his most mysterious supernal body. Letting this light dwell within insures that you will eventually reach the far shore of liberation.

Some times the thought DARK interests me...

OM Namah Shivayah

Friday, October 22, 2004

The whole process started in my childhood ...

When I think of why suddenly I am drawn towards sprituality, The Gita, the Mantra and the zen gardens...
I realise that its not really been sudden. My subconcious mind has been treading the grounds of sprituality since the day I learned to read Hindi at the age of 8 or 9 and picked fist of my many books of Gita... namely the periodical Kalyan from Gita Press Gorakh Pur, Uttar Pradesh, India.. the land of Gautam Buddha, the Land of great sages and the land of Gods...
Nothing in this life is sudden as I feel. All has been predestined and preordained. Its our thoughts, mind and physical reality that keeps veils in front of our physical eyes that block us from seeing the reality...
Now its openning and the veils are lifting one by one... and This Blog is to record for my self each individaul veils getting away each hidden truth coming to light...

Om Namah Shivayah