Monday, October 31, 2005
Am I already changed...?
Sitting in the room of Sh Ramakrishna Paramhansa, I thought of the things that have had come to pass… thought of the things that I am going through.. what is this change that is happening..? Will it ever change me….? Or Am I already changed?
Om Namah Shivaya
No longer me
The sound keep melting in me
The sound of silence
The sound of conch
The sound of circulating group of devotees
Till it was no longer me
I swirled within the circle
Floated in the group
Went high
and then merged
in the overall consciousness of me
In the Universe
She took me in her arms
and went away to the stars
A long silver thread followed
From the manifestations
Of God
Which was lying down in the group
Of Singers singing your songs
I woke up in the dew
That was hanging at the grass blade
Till sun trampled on it
With his harsh rays
And I woke in your love
Lying still among the chants.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Deeply in Love....
Some thoughts are knocking in my head
I feel restless
And fatigued
Are you calling me from far?
Sit besides you
And Hold your hand?
Or are you going away?
Far from you
How further you can leave me
It’s just that thought
That keeps coming back to me
Again and again
That is keeping you besides me
Why then this emptiness
That engulfs my soul
Is not at all empty of you
Do you want me to come back?
And hold you close to me again
Or do you want me to go away
And hold nothing against you
Then what is this my love
That keeps coming back to in thoughts
Scratch my world of emptiness
And draw out some bloodless soul
Om Namah Shivaya
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Kali Ma why I have Doubts .....?
Will you give me a circuitous path leading me away to began with or this time Ma, I will reach out to you?
Om Namah Shivaya
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Kailash Mansarovar ... A place I love to be next year...
Kailash is a rather small member of the
Hindu mythology recognises
Om Namah Shivaya
Sunday, October 16, 2005
To Sherry who wanted to know about OM ..
The Sound of pain that lover’s presence relieves
Within me –
That burns in between my eyes
The Three lines on shiva linga
The force that flows in the
The figure of Lord Ganesha
To me
Description of Om...
Some Details of
* Creation (Brahma)- Preservation (Vishnu)- Destruction (Shiva) into Brahman
* Waking- Dreaming- Dreamless Sleep into Turiya (transcendental fourth state of consciousness)
* Rajas (activity, heat, fire)- Tamas (dullness, ignorance, darkness)- Sattva (purity, light, serenity/shanti) into Brahman
* Body, Speech and Mind into Oneness
* Etc.
Om Can be Seen as Ganesha...
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
TORTURE GARDEN.. What to think... ?
Tell me what you guys think….
The Torture Garden (Octave Mir beau)
"You're obliged to pretend respect for people and institutions you think absurd. You live attached in a cowardly fashion to moral and social conventions you despise, condemn and know lack all foundation. It is that permament contradiction between your ideas and desires and all dead formalities and vain pretenses of your civilization, which make you sad, troubled and unbalanced. In that intolerable conflict you lose all joy of life and all feeling of personality, because at every moment they suppress and restrain and check the free play of your powers. That's the poisoned and mortal wound of the civilized world."
In My opinion
Octave Mir beau was a person who has his own opinions and who was TALKING about the world that he saw.. which is not real... Its as per Hindu religious outlook is all but MAYA (An Illusion) - Rmember Matrix? but more importantly as per his character Clara, she was looking for the physical pleasure and which has its own limitation.. you can only go so much further with giving pleasures to ones five senses.. which in time gets immune to those particular pleasures and looks forward to new things all the time.. that is why the degeneration ofn society happens..
But on the other side if you try to make your self.. your own soul happy then you hit bliss of the attachment of the all prevading superconsciousness and you attan\in never ending happiness not of your senses but of your soul... which is definately more constant....
When the author talks about anything .. he basically talks about things in relations to the material body which dies.. so you see one has to look beyond the body that dies.. and feel oneself more closely to the one that lives in the body i.e. the soul who does the thinking who does the being ... I hope I am making some sense... hehehehe
Om Namah Shivaya
Thursday, October 06, 2005
How can I save your drop of love.....
Along with devotions of thousands of men
Carrying with it flood of sins
Seasons and torrential rain
From the top of mountains
To the limitless sea
I could touch
The underlying fact
In the cold wetness of
Holy river
That people change
Sitting on the banks of Ganges
The sun that was setting
In the orange gloom
as the evening slipped
In the night of thoughts
And I thought of you
How one saves a drop of water
From ever drying up
How I can save the trace of love
That I found in you
From Drying up
And the river told me the eternal truth
The only way one drop can be saved
Is to take it to the sea
Will you give me that one bit of love
You have
I will merge it with in me
Om Namah Shivaya
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
The flow of Holy ganges stir thoughts beyond the realm of human experiences...
The River that has the imagination of a country like
the river that flows across the heart land of India, the River whose water never gets stagnant or stale even if you keep it for years together... that river has always stirred my feelings like a living image of Krishna or Shiva. Whenever I come across River Ganges on my various tours on work or on my meditation trips... I feel that I have just walked into presence of Lord Shiva whose abode the river comes down from and who has borne Her in His jata...
Many devotees in their old age live by Ganges in Kasi so that they die in her presence and attain nirvana...
This time I came across the river while on the way to meet few of my relatives on the way to
After some time sitting by her banks, I found immense peace within and then slowly the Aarti started and after a long thoughtful mediation, I reluctantly left for my way back to
Har Har Gange