Saturday, August 20, 2005

I have been getting some people to re-post Mantra Yoga lessons so I am posting all the lessons till now here....

Many people have asked me to repost the Mantra yoga lessons or through the email which I find quite time consuming so I thought of posting all of them here and give the links to any one who asks.. so here it is and from now on I will also post the lessons as and when I put up in the group....

These following lessons are the way I do them and which makes me more comfortable in meditating.. .. all of the people who are interested in trying the way are free to do the way I have written but I would prefer if you follow your own way which your heart guides you to follow... I find it the best way to do the meditations.

I will be putting up later lessons not in this choronological order but latest on the top. I would also request all those people who have tried or interested in trying these methods to get back to me with their advice and suggestions. I would love it if I know their experiences. Pls email me at

OM Namah Shivaya

First Mantra Yoga Lesson...

First lesson:

Allocate a corner, a room or any place which can be purified with cleaning, incense and flowers where you can place any image of any God or any guru you like or any thing which makes you feel good... Make sure that this place is not used for any thing else...

Decide a comfortable time for your self when every day you can return to that corner or place to sit and relax or do chanting.... Mornings are better times

The first thing for you to do to do deep breathing exercise… in and out for three minutes and let your mind wander all over where ever it takes you…

Then take a Rose, a lotus or a flower or anything natural and think about it without letting your mind wander to other things ... think about how the petals are formed , how exquisitely its designed and how lovely it is.... When ever you mind wanders to other things bring it back to the flower .....

Try doing it for 3 minutes every day.... for a week.....write down your experiences for all of us to see here...

Please don’t force anything on your mind….. and don’t make it like that you are shackled… take a deep breath whenever you feel that you are tired or disturbed…

When you finish take a deep breath and say “Om Shanti, Shanti Shanti” which basically means peace and it helps one break away from the connection that one makes with the universal soul the moment one starts meditations

(Pronunciation “OM” as “om” in word “Home” with nasal “n” between “o” and “m” “Shanti” is pronounced as “Sh” = ‘sh’ in Shy and ‘anti = aunty’ )

(I will prefer to sound it for all of you to see maybe some time later I will put up a wave file on a location)

End Of the First lesson.

This is a very basic thing that is needed to be done to begin with the Next lesson will be put up online on Sunday…and I will be happy if you all who are following it to make it a point to share your experiences online.. it gives a boost to all others who are trying to follow….

In The next lesson we will do some in depth exercises to set the ball rolling for the meditations and Mantra Yoga….

Om Namah Shivaya

2nd Mantra Yoga Lesson...

Sit comfortably as you like or you can take the support of the wall behind or you can sit cross legged on pillow in the corner or the space that you have got for your self.

This lesson will tell you how to bring silence in your self and keep other things out of your soul and blocking it…

Close your eyes after stilling your thoughts by focusing your thoughts on any particular deity or any thing as in the first lesson.

First take a deep breath with left nostril by closing the other by your thumb and think OM (Those with more concentration can visualize light others can visualize ringing bell or anything natural) then breath out by removing your thumb and closing the right nostril with your index finger while thinking OM. This you do it for nine times for each nostril or more if you like this.

Now Keep your eyes closed and visualize that light is entering one by one your both eyes, both nostrils, both ears one your tongue at three places tip, middle and back of your tongue. Try to keep those light spheres at those places for few seconds if not all the time but place them consciously on those places….This will block external inputs.

Take a deep breath and create the sound of OM and let a ray of light flow up like a pulse from the base of your spine move through all your Chakras (Which physically means travel up the spine by going through your three inches below your navel, navel, heart, throat, your forehead and finally to the crown) and let it cross over to the space to eternity to the huge light source. Take a deep breath again here and let the same pulse return with the sound of OM to the top of your head and starts filling your every pore of body with light.

This process you repeat for 54 times with the sound of OM for each cycle.

Please remember that the sound OM is creator of everything and it creates your soul a pure recipient as well as powerful persona. This is the basic ground work to cleanse you and fill you up with silence.

Om Namah Shivaya

3rd Mantra Yoga Lesson ....

Now if you all have done the practice for first two lessons then you will all be having a basic idea of how to still your mind to any one idea or any one universal soul. You all can think about God as one soul, source of light or universal consciousness but how to relate to HIM. The beauty of Mantra yoga is in that practical aspect.

As per our tradition as well as Veda’s and other religious scriptures, we all have keys for reaching out to universal consciousness through the sound. Remember all things are created at Metaphysical level first. Then it gets a shape in terms of Thought, and then it comes into existence through sound.. I want this… and then one follows through with action and then the results comes in terms of either fulfilling the need or denying. But the keys to Universal consciousness’ is never through denial.. it always comes through as each sound specifically creates vibrations which does go beyond our consciousness, travel the space of past and present and go to future and arranges things in such an order that it happens how one desires… the only need is to need and then verbalize and then ask for it, mentally, physically and presently.

SO for each of the needs, each of the God ( I believe in one universal consciouness but then I also believe in many forms of the same consciouness as each one form {GOD’s Own Self}) is there for specific need and person and universal consciouness works best for each one with the kind of consciouness one relates.

Today we are going to work for the need of Love, affection and desire of heart. This one is Mantra of love and devotion.
Radhe Krishna
Radhe = Ra as ‘ra’ ‘dhe’ is a typical Sanskrit sound which I can come closest to as in ‘they’ with ‘the’ sounding more ‘dh’ than ‘th’
Krishna I guess and hope every one how to pronounce.
What it means to one?
The most devout love has been the love of Radha and Krishna with all the joyfull experiences of togetherness as well as being away from the people one loves. Radhe Krishna translates to one as how one looks at it..
This mantra rejuvenates love.

How to do it?

After being still for some time and doing the exercise of the first two… one needs to sit back and clear ones thought of everything ….

Take a deep breath and think about warmth…

Start at the base of spine with a red sphere and try to make it grow with the sound “Ra” take this sphere to the navel with the sound “dhe” with simultaneously increasing the sphere as well as changing its color to orange and make it bigger with the inhaling and stop at the heart charka.
At the heart charka exhale with sound “Krishna” and expand this sphere to encompass all your body like a cocoon with yellow pulsating light and simultaneously filling all your surroundings as well.
When you finish the sound “Krishna” with the last breath you reach out to your base of spine and inhale with the red sphere and repeat the cycle.

DO it 54 times and at the end of say a week you will be able to master this so that you can do it without much pressure and effort.

Om Namah Shivaya

4th Mantra Yoga Lesson...

Now this lesson is more important in terms of power and effectiveness. To start this one should basically start on Monday morning as that is the day of Shiva. Preferably in the morning hours. Freshen up and have a bath take an incense stick and some flower whatever you like at sit at the corner where you are continue to meditate. It will be good if you can have Lord Shiva’s Picture to visualize.

After completing the first two process of attuning your self and if you need you can also finish the third Mantra of Love and peace and then you can start chanting the “The Maha mantra of manifestation”

This mantra is so powerful that people have been able to generate anything with this. They have been able to manifest whatever they need and as my guru ji says that one needs to be at the comfortable level of being with all the needs taken care of before one can concentrate on attuning himself to GOD.

This mantra has to be done with your chakras. It gets one’s own chakra enlightened and it works on the Crown or Yajna (Between the eyes) chakra usually.


OM (As Previously explained)

Na = Na as in “No” in None

Mah = As “mah” in Maharaja

Shi = As “She”

Va = as “Wa” in Ward

Ya = as “Ya” in Yard

How to meditate on this Mantra ….

Start with a proper sitting posture how ever you are comfortable. Then think of a light when you close your eyes in front of you. With the sound OM let this light glow between your eyes.

Then Start with “Na” sound and let this light start at the base of your spine. Next move this light to your navel with the sound “Mah”. With sound “Shi” let this light continue to go up to your heart chakra. Then with sound Va you movie it to your throat chakra. With sound “Ya” you enter your yajna chakra i.e. between the eyes or you can stretch this sound to your crown chakra whatever is comfortable.

Repeat this process min 54 times …. If possible you can have beads to turn and do it for 108 times.

Start with a wish what you would like to have and I am sure within few weeks you will have it…Think from heart how it would be nice to have what you need before the mantra and in between if you are wandering and not able to concentrate on the Mantra.

Its really a very powerful Mantra … I have been blessed with this mantra and been able to achieve many material things and above all it have made me to visit all those places which I desired to go since childhood, like Rishikesh, badrinath, Varanasi, Ganga Sagar etc where I have been to meditate like the tour was arranged by Lord Shiva.

5th Lesson...

5th Lesson on Mantra Yoga

This is the most important task on the Mantra Yoga... The continuous way of doing prayers and then practicing Mantra Yoga on day to day basis.

I have tried to make give all of you a path to be a better person by the sound and chanting of mantras now I would like to take you deeper into this meditation.

The basic thing about any meditation is to reach the universal consciousness that has created this “Maya” i.e. the world around us, or if you like I will give you a more popular perception as the person who created around us the Matrix in which we live. Now as deeper as we get into meditation and reach closer to the universal consciousness our souls get enriched with the fleeting touches of the universal consciousness and it glows. Let me say it like this, suppose your body is a room with so many karma’s (The result of the action that you have done in this or in previous birth – I prefer in this birth), good and bad stored in the room and your soul is a feeble light which is burning inside the room. As more touches, feelings and enlightenment you receive from the universal consciousness through the constant practice of Mantra Yoga, your soul starts radiating more and more light. Now this room (i.e. the body that we carry with our soul) when there was less light was a den which did not show much what is inside. But as the light of our soul grows stronger, the trash of our bad karma starts becoming more prominent day by day. This shows in our own light of soul and resists in achieving and attracting great things in our own life.

This lesson is all about the cleansing of our body so that it can receive more divine light from the universal consciousness and attract better things in our own life.

Now all the toxic things that we intake (including those things that gives us pleasure too) are basically giving one an illusive feeling of happiness. The more you get into the deeper realms of mantra yoga more you will find your physical mind fighting to gain control and more your subconscious mind trying to wean away from those wasted things that only cloud your mind. When you find that your mind is restless in your meditation, try to make yourself a promise of avoiding those things that distracts your mind or make it more over excited.

This lesson is about taking control of your mind. There are these steps you need to take for that..

1) Avoid smoking, drinking or eating non-veg for atleast 8 hours before you do meditation.
2) Do Mantra yoga in the early morning, preferably at 6 AM in the morning
3) Take any image, or a symbol or a thing that you believe in and place it on a cloth (red color) on some kind of higher platform. Sit on the floor which ever way you are comfortable (Lotus position is best if you are comfortable). You should be sitting lower than the Image.
4) Light a lamp and incense stick and if possible offer some flowers.
5) Start with closing all your external intakes area as in the second lesson by placing fire balls on those areas. (Eyes, ears, nostrils, tongue – back, middle and tip of tongue)
6) Let the sphere of light pass through your spine and all your Chakras and come back to fill your body and every pore with golden light with sound of OM as in the second lesson.
7) Then you do the Mantra Yoga with whatever mantra you feel comfortable in chanting and complete the process.


At the end of this process, keep your eyes closed and let your mind wander…Let it go where ever it’s taking you and keep up with it. Follow it closely and find in ten minutes time what it keeps coming back to. It may be a problem a relationship or some financial difficulties etc. Zoom on into a particular thing and then start consciously thinking about it. Try your mind to wonder about it. Constantly try to bring whenever you mind moves on to other problems. Think creatively what you can do with the thing or the problem… keep thinking about it for ten minutes…after you have identified the thing.

Now open your eyes and let it remain in your thoughts and consciousness and look at the image what you have in front of you. Take a deep breath and close your eyes.

Chant This Mantra….


For 108 times for every day and it will resole your problems quite soon.


OM = as earlier

GANA = GA as g GOD and NA as n in Name

PATEYEH = PA as p in person, TE as te in temple YEH as in yeah

NAMAH = as earlier

Om Namah Shivaya

6th Lesson...

Hi all

This time it has been a long time to write to you all and I think an apology is due to all those people who are sincerely following these lessons. I am sorry about the delay ... I had been to many places in these periods for more uplifting saadhna (practice) and chanting of mantras.

There has been a great experience on my own personal level at one of the heavenly abodes of Lord Shiva and I am more attuned now to get His divine grace and more inspired to learn of His ways and means of being one with the universal soul. It was a great experience.. and if any one of you are interested in knowing more about the experience then check out my blog ( ) where I have put that experience in words... which of course are too inadequate to convey the experience.

Anyways coming back to the work at hand ... here is the 6th Lesson of Mantra Yoga.

Preparation: Make your self comfortable in the corner that you have had allocated to your self or the usual place where you meditate. Do the process of blocking your senses with fire sphere placed at your tongue, nostrils, eyes and ears.


Har Har Maha Deva

Its a mantra for Lord Shiva.


HAR: Har as 'Har'in harmony

Maha: Ma as 'ma' in madam

Ha as Ha harmony

Deva: De as The in They
Va as in wa in wand


The most powerful way of this mantra Chant is visualize your self as you turn the beads to feel that you are being bathed in the pure waters of Holy Ganges.. or you can also visualize that the golden rays of divine light is filling you from head to toe... like you are soaking and slowly and slowly you are turning into a source of light in the cosmos. feel yourself filled with happiness and divine bliss as you keep chanting the Mantra ...

This one should do for 108 times and at the end of the chanting.. keep your eyes closed and feel that you are completely become a source of light ..feel like that you are watching the sunset on a beach or in the mountains or if you can then see the Himalayas feel yourself in the divine presence of a universal soul and feel that you are completely become as light and you are soaring into the sun.

End note: I am giving this Mantra today of Lord Shiva instead of the one that I thought of giving earlier as I was in Kedar Nath where I had this blissful experience... and felt that you all will be sharing my experience as you all do this.. I am sure with this mantra you can join with me in soaring into the Himalayan heights and feel the presence of Kedar Nath BABA in our own soul along with me...

Om Namah Shivaya

7th Lesson...

Hi all

Oki.. guys here is the 7th Lesson of Mantra Yoga. I have put up all the previous lessons too on my blog as many many people have been asking about it. I am so happy to find few of the people getting back to me finally that those mantras have helped them in achieving few things that they have desired as well as general happiness that they are having. Thanks a lot for getting back to me on that.

Now here is a very important Mantra for the seeker of the knowledge.

Preparation: Make your self comfortable in the corner that you have had allocated to your self or the usual place where you meditate. Do the process of blocking your senses with fire sphere placed at your tongue, nostrils, eyes and ears. You can use a picture of Goddess Saraswati which I will post on my blog


Om Ai(n)m Saraswatyai Namah

Its a mantra for Goddess of Knowledge Saraswati Ji. This mantra is used for all things about gaining Knowledge, in terms of educations, knowledge about the all pervading thoughts or spirituality or any thing in music or any skills.


Om : As told earlier.

Ai(n)m : “Ai” and “m” as in “aim” but with nasal “n” sound after Ai

Saraswatyai :

“Sa” = Sa as sa in sam
“Ras” = as Rus in “Rust”
“Wat” = as wo in Won and T as t in Chat
“Yai” = as Ye in Yeah


This is about knowledge and it helps a great lot if one uses white flowers to meditate on this mantra… Please start with thinking of a white flame on the Om sound and let it grow into the place between the eyes. Feel it growing while the whole mantra that you are pronouncing. With “OM” take a deep breath and let it reach the place between the eyes and hold it there with the sound of “Aim”. With Sarashwatyai Namah let the breath out slowly and the white flame remains at the Ajna Chakra.

This should be done 108 for the people in the times of Tests, exams or practicing some thing about knowledge other wise can be done for 21 times daily.

Om Namah Shivaya

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Lord Shiva - Lord Of Maha Mrityunjaya Chants.... Begin with Shiva Prayer

Shiva Prarthana (Prayer)
This mantra is a prayer to Lord Shiva who is addressed as Sankara and Trayambaka.
Sankara means giver of blessings:
sana = blessings
Kara = the Giver
Trayambaka is the three eyed one (where the third eye signifies the giver of knowledge, which destroys ignorance and releases us from the cycle of death and rebirth).

Om Namastestu BhagavanVisvesaraya MahadevayaTrayambakaya Tripurantakaya
Trikagni - KalayaKalagni - Rudraya Nil - Kanthaya MrityunjayaSarvesvaraya Sadadhivaya
Sriman Mahadevaya Namah.

Om. I bow down to Lord Shiva, who is the creator and protector of the universe, who is the greatest among gods, who has three eyes, who is the annihilator of all the three worlds, one whose throat is blue, who is the conqueror of death, who is the Lord of all, who is propitious who is possessed of all marks of greatness and who is the greatest among Gods. To him my prostrations

The Havan.... and Maha Mrityunjaya Chant.

The Maha Mrityun Jaya Chant is the most poerful Mantra in the Vedic Traditions. This particular Mantra Chant is done to avoid death when its predicted in the horoscope, the most likely time of death.

The Maha Mrityunjay is a mantra that is said to rejuvenate, bestow health, wealth, a long life, peace, propsperity and contentment. The Mantra is a centuries old technique of connecting one to pure consciousness and bliss.The prayer is addressed to LORD SHIVA. By chanting this Mantra, Divine vibrations are generated which ward off all the negative and evil forces and create a powerful protective shield. And it is said to protect the one who chants against accidents and misfortunes of every kind. It is a vibration that pulsates through every cell, every molecule of our body and tears away the veil of ignorance. It ignites a fire within us that consumes all our negativity and purifies our entire system. It is also said to have a powerful healing of diseases declared uncurable even by the doctors. It is a Mantra to conquer death and connects us to our own inner divinity.Known as the Moksha Mantra of Lord Shiva, Maha Mrityunjay evokes the Shiva within and removes the fear of death, liberating one from the cycle of death and rebirth.

Maha Mrityunjay Mantra

Om Tryamlakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pusti - vardhanam
Urva - rukamiva Bandhanan
Mrtyor - muksheeya Ma - amritat

Meaning :
Om. We worship The Three-Eyed Lord Shiva who is naturally fragrant, immensely merciful & and who is the Protector of the devotees. Worshipping him may we be liberated from death for the sake of immortality just as the ripe cucumber easily separtes itself from the binding stalk i.e.By your Grace, Let me be in the state of salvation (Moksha) and be saved from the clutches of fearful death.

The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is very much a protector from accidents, mishaps and daily calamities in the modern busy life.

The Following Havan we did for my father who is going through serious health Problems... Look forward to all blessings in the world for him.

Om Namah Shivaya

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The puja at Delhi in my last trip...

This time in Delhi, I had a Puja and Havan (Havan is basically offering to the holy Fire) for my father, which was Purnahuti of Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap(Completion of a Chanting of a particular Mantra - In this case of Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap which is done for logevity of a person).

Getting things ready for the Puja....

Here we are at the start of the ritual, preparing the place and placing many things needed for the Havan.

Getting the Kalash ready with each placing of things on the Kalash (An earthen pot with holy ganges water in it brought from Rishikesh. My maternal uncle from Bihar, who is seen here, was the chief priest to do this Havan.

The beauty and value of Tilak....

Once the Kalash is ready everyone is applied Tilak (Red Paste of Sindoor and Chandan). The concept of applying paste is that the third eye is a hotspot as the third eye of Lord Shiva and applying soothing and cool paste of Chandan makes it cool and the spiritual energy is not wasted by un-necessary dissipation.

Three Maha pandits ...

The Three Maha pandits of my maternal side (my maternal uncles) who were there to do the havan. The maternal uncle in the middle is the one who did One million chantings of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra for the health of my father in our village. We did the finishing the ritual in Delhi by this Havan.

It was very uplifting at the havan as the priests chanting was very pure and the whole havan was done through perfect vedic rituals. Here I am in kind of elation through the eyes of my brothers camera who captured all these images.

Once again me.

Monday, August 15, 2005

The beautiful Kalash which was the center of the rituals...